Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V.

  • Founded 1947
  • Headquaters Frankfurt am Main
  • Employees 7,000 companies as members
  • Email bgl@bgl-ev.de
  • Contact +49 69 79190
  • Website www.bgl-ev.de
  • Address Breitenbachstraße 1, Frankfurt am Main 60487, Germany


Federal Association of Road Haulage, Logistics and Disposal

Categories & Subcategories

Transport Logistics (Air Freight, ),

Company Description

BGL is the main association for the road transport, logistic and disposalsector. BGL represents the companies on national and international level on all important matters of industry and transport policy. The members can refer to a wide range of services offered by BGL. Its contacts are politicians, administration and the general public via media.

Advance Information
