ZDS Zentralverband der deutschen Seehafenbetriebe e.V.

  • Founded 1934
  • Headquaters Hamburg
  • Employees 175 companies as members
  • Email info@zds-seehaefen.de
  • Contact info@zds-seehaefen.de
  • Website www.zds-seehaefen.de
  • Address Am Sandtorkai 2, Hamburg 20457, Germany


Association of German Seaport Operators

Categories & Subcategories

Qualification HR (Associations/Competence Center, ),

Company Description

ZDS represents the German port industry as a federation of state-level associations and individual companies. ZDS engages German, EU and international stakeholders in economic, commercial, social and wage policy matters, and provides advice and information to its members. On behalf of them, ZDS concludes collective agreements with the union representing German port workers. ZDS strives to further improve the competitiveness of German seaports and their business environment.

Advance Information
